• +1 929 367 8888(同台)   /   +1 929 356 6666(集團)
  • info@multinationalholding.com

David Issac
Chairman of Multinational Holding Group

        David Isaac is the Chairman of Multinational Holding Group, combining his unique investing strategy and philosophy tested by years of investing experience and the modern hightech innovation. Mr. Isaac has years of experience in investment management and financial analysis.

      In his past work, Mr. Isaac is responsible for investment department at a major investment fund.  Because of his dual citizenship in US and UK, he has traveled between these two countries constantly to participate in various seminars and investing talks.  He has learned investment knowledge and accumulated experience from both countries that are the top financial centers in the world.  Throughout years, Mr. Isaac has gradually developed his own investing philosophies and strategies that help to boost the performance of investments under his management.  

       Mr. Issac is a talented investor and meticulous on following through the strategies and performing due diligence.  His dedicated work has led to the outstanding performance of various funds.  Mr. Issac is also passionate to help more investors worldwide tapping into the new financial opportunities empowered by technology.  He is constantly expanding his investment knowledge and investment sectors, and is an international expert in this field.



Katie Blair
CEO of Multinational Holding Group

         Katie Blair is the CEO of Multinational Holding Group, overseeing the entire operation of the Multinational Holding Group. Before joining the Multinational Holding Group, Katie worked in the financial and business development fields for several years.  She specializes in project managements.

        She works hard and is responsible, and loved by her employees.  In her past work, her ability to motivate team members and organize complicated projects has helped her rise from junior employees to the top management.  She is well connected and has in depth knowledge on business administration and project management.